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Homepage > À propos de nous > CSR > CSR Policy
Statement of CSR Policy
For a long time, IEI Integration Corp is committed to uphold the staff care, environmental protection, employee health and safety and social participation, fulfill corporate social responsibility and the pursuit of business continuity. We follow the standards of corporate social responsibility, we expect between suppliers to ensure the implementation of internal suppliers of corporate social responsibility to promote the welfare of the interested parties.
  • Compliance with social responsibility norms, comply with regulatory and customer requirements
  • Maintaining good corporate governance, adherence to business ethics and norms
  • Energy saving green products, non-toxic and recyclable design
  • To provide a safe working environment, and actively involved in social welfare
Code of CSR Conduct

IEI follows the following announced code of conduct in the process of product manufacture, sales, and after-sales services to customers. When suppliers supply products or services to us, we request that our suppliers support and comply with our social responsibility policy and code of conduct.

  1. comply with all relevant laws and regulations, industry minimum standards, ILO and the United Nations Convention on the higher of any other relevant statutory requirements as well.

  2. prohibit to use of child labor and forced labor, also do not accept the use of child labor or forced labor from your suppliers and subcontractors.

  3. provide safe and healthy working and living conditions to ensure employees’ safety and health.

  4. promote labor-management cooperation, respecting employees’ right of freedom for collective bargaining.

  5. provide equal and fair working environment, prohibiting any form of abuse, sexual harassment and discrimination.

  6. respect for fundamental human rights, prohibiting any form of degrading treatment, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion.

  7. rationalize production planning, ensuring reasonable arrangements for workers' working hours, rest and vacation are made.

  8. provide reasonable wages and benefits, to at least meeting basic needs of workers and local minimum wage standards.

  9. comply with applicable labor and to meet international regulations and standards, minimizing pollution or disasters and to strive for continuous improvements.

10.not allow and not to engage in any acts of corruption and bribery, extortion, blackmail, and respecting intellectual property rights.

11.commit to fair trade, not to use any forms of false advertising and unlawful competition to compete in the market.

12.protect the trade secret, business and technology related information of customer, suppliers and third party, not to disclose them to any third party without permission.

13.Not to accept minerals (Au、Ta、Sn、W) from mineral conflict countries, and to trace the source of metals and smelting When suppliers supply products or services to us, we request that our suppliers support and comply with our social responsibility policy and code of conduct.