

IEI Invites You to Join InfoComm 2023 in Orlando, Florida

Jun 06, 2023

IEI Invites You to Join InfoComm 2023 in Orlando, Florida

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IEI 與您相約台南國際綠色產業展

May 04, 2023

威強電工業電腦 (IEI Integration Corp.)致力於探索電力和能源行業的新技術。憑藉在工業產品研究和設計方面的優勢,威強電提供堅固可靠且環保節能的系統元件。威強電的產品可應用於各種電力和能源市場,包括可再生太陽能和風能發電系統、電動汽車充電站解決方案和建築節能系統 ...

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Visit IEI booth at COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2023 

May 04, 2023

Visit IEI booth at COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2023 

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IEI at RSA Conference

Mar 30, 2023

Please join us at the 2023 RSA Conference from April 24th to April 27th.

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IEI Welcomes You to Visit HIMSS 2023 in Chicago, USA

Mar 17, 2023

IEI Integration Corp. sincerely invites you to visit our HIMSS booth in Chicago from April 18-20,2023.

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Visit IEI Booth at Japan IT Week 2023

Mar 03, 2023

IEI welcome your visiting to 2023 Japan IT Week held at Tokyo Big Sight from April 5th to 7th, 2023.

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Visit IEI booth at Embedded World 2023

Feb 21, 2023

We're excited to invite you to our Embedded World booth at Nuremberg Convention Center, Hall 3, 3-342, from March 14th to 16th! ...

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2022 MEDICA全球最大醫療展,威強電展出全新醫療螢幕MPOCm-W24、醫療觸控平板電腦IASO-W10B-N6210

Nov 09, 2022

威強電發表配備3顆熱插拔電池的醫療螢幕 MPOCm-W24,以及新一代POCm系列:POCm-W24C-ADL,透過持久供電的優勢,讓醫護人員有更多時間專注在患者身上,而非耗費許多時間操作醫療設備。另外,全新10.1吋醫療觸控平板電腦 IASO-W10B-N6210也是亮點之一, ...

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2022 IEI Global Partner Week – Enabling 5G & Intelligence at the EDGE

Sep 12, 2022

Over past few years, the humanity has witnessed the significant growth in edge computing market and accelerated drive towards digital transf ...

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IEI Welcomes Your Visit to MECSPE 2022, the Italian Largest Event Dedicated to Manufacturing and Industry 4.0

May 18, 2022

During MECSPE 2022, our partner, Contradata, will present a full line of products and solutions for industrial applications, including embed ...

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