

IEI Welcomes Your Participation to Taiwan Excellence Smart Technology and Solutions Webinar

Apr 11, 2022

IEI Integration Corp. sincerely invites you to participate Taiwan Excellence Smart Technology and Solutions Webinar. This online webinar wil ...

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IEI Invites You to Join the Medtec Japan 2022

Apr 11, 2022

The largest medical device manufacturing and design show in Japan will be held on April 20th to 22nd. IEI will present its medical AI soluti ...

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IEI Welcomes Your Visiting to E-TECH Europe 2022 in Bologna, Italy

Apr 08, 2022

IEI Integration Corp. sincerely invites you to visit IEI's regional partner, Contradata, at Hall 19, Booth No. C32 during the “E-TECH Europe ...

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IEI Welcomes You to Visit CES 2022 in LAS VEGAS

Dec 24, 2021

IEI Integration Corp. sincerely invites you to visit the booth (No. 51652) with QNAP System Inc. at CES 2022 at NV & DIGITAL in LAS VEGAS, U ...

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威強電誠摯邀請您參觀台灣醫療科技展(Taiwan Healthcare+ Expo)

Nov 22, 2021

威強電將在12月2日至5日展覽期間,將展出三大主題:「醫療照護」、「檢驗治療」及「監控管理」的數位醫療新常態解決方案。 疫情波及下的醫療產業,與日常生活正在面臨改變,而這波改變讓整個產業加速數位化。為了避免在數位浪潮中載浮載沉,威強電本次展出的三大主題,除了強化過去大家熟悉 ...

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Welcome to Join IEI Medical Webinar 2021

Nov 22, 2021

Now, you can join the IEI Medical Webinar by clicking the Join Now button below. You can register, and login to access it 24/7, no matter wh ...

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邀請您參加威強電 2020 線上醫療論壇

Dec 01, 2020

威強電舉辦線上醫療論壇,藉由三種不同的醫療場域應用主題,集合醫療、軟體與硬體專家到場分析解說,讓您快速掌握精準部署醫療數位轉型的秘訣,助您在驅動醫院體系數位轉型時,有效降低轉型壓力與成本,減少轉型時遇到的困難,並成為醫療產業先驅者,實現更好的醫病環境。 ...

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IEI invites you to join the MEDICA Trade Fair 2020

Nov 13, 2020

We invite you to join the MEDICA Trade Fair 2020, the world-leading information and communication platform for the medical technology indust ...

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威強電 2020 線上醫療論壇,即將登場!

Nov 09, 2020

2020年充斥嚴峻的考驗,在疫情肆虐的同時,促使全球醫療產業進行變革,加速與科技的連結。創新的醫療服務也如雨後春筍,提升病患的醫療體驗與精準醫療服務能邁向更高的層次,使得各醫療院所的數位轉型刻不容緩。 這其中懂得門道者亦是先驅者,威強電將舉辦線上醫療論壇,藉由三種不同的醫療場域 ...

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Welcome to join IEI x NNZ Machine Vision Solution Webinar

Nov 06, 2020

Nowadays intelligent video analytics has become increasingly used to improve the efficiency of production processes, AOI, monitoring operato ...

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