

第三屆亞洲盃台大腦腫瘤分割挑戰賽 於9月26日圓滿落幕!

Oct 21, 2020

台大醫神-精準醫療人工智慧輔助決策系統計畫當初創辦這個比賽的理念在於導入AI訓練模組以識別腦腫瘤位置並協助圈選其輪廓,用以協助縮短電腦刀於微小腫瘤切除手術時所需花費的時間之餘,同時還能保持其精準度。因此於2018年首次舉辦台大腦腫瘤分割挑戰賽,期間分批提供經病理切片診斷的腦瘤影像 ...

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The 3rd Asian Cup Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge Ended Successfully on 26th September!

Oct 21, 2020

The Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge hosted by the National Taiwan University (NTU) Medical Genie Project team, one of the AI innovation r ...

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Discover AI Transportation Solutions with IEI at AUTO SAFETY & LIGHTING Online Product Launch Event!

Oct 16, 2020

In order to solve numerous vehicle problems and ensure driving safety, IEI integrates various AI technologies and 3rd parties to offer the f ...

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Oct 06, 2020

威強電將於2020年10月15日(四)至10月17日(六)在台灣國際醫療暨健康照護展(MEDICA TAIWAN)與您見面。 威強電將於防疫國家館(攤位號碼Q0712)中展示「智能體溫量測解決方案」,該套解決方案擁有容易操作的系統介面與高精準度的量測水準,且搭配FHD IP ...

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AI Solution & Cyber Security Online Press Conference

Sep 03, 2020

Artificial Intelligence is changing our life and reversing difficult situations of traditional industries. IEI integrates various AI technol ...

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Aug 11, 2020

今年隨著COVID-19疫情肆虐全球,人們防疫及健康意識抬頭,如何透過AI、深度學習解決方案並搭配強大的硬體在這後疫情時代站穩腳步呢? 本線上研討會將為您展示訊連科技最新推出之FaceMe® Health解決方案,不只能戴口罩辨識人臉,也能準確偵測口罩是否有正確配戴及人員之 ...

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智慧安控 X AI Ready 解決方案線上研討會

Jul 06, 2020

威強電工業電腦與訊連科技攜手合作打造快速人臉辨識解決方案,就和我們一起潛進AI的世界,前進智慧城市與未來吧! 本線上研討會將介紹多個AI解決方案與各AIoT應用情境;威強電AI運算嵌入式系統系列產品FLEX-BX200 和Mustang-V100-MX8加速卡的應用與介紹; ...

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Welcome to Join IEI X NNZ AI Solutions Deep Dive Webinar!

Jun 08, 2020

How do you manage in a world where Artificial Intelligence is changing the nature of business? IEI cooperates with Nienschanz-Automatica to ...

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IEI Welcomes You Join AI & IoT Technology Conference in Russia

Feb 26, 2020

n early March, an event will be held in St. Petersburg to bring together system developers, software, engineers, project managers and all in ...

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IEI Welcomes You to Visit Mobile World Congress 2020 in Spain

Jan 13, 2020

IEI Integration Corp. sincerely invites you to visit our booth (No.5A61, Hall 5) with QNAP System Inc. at Mobile World Congress 2020 at Fira ...

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