

威強電 2020 線上醫療論壇,即將登場!

Nov 09, 2020

2020年充斥嚴峻的考驗,在疫情肆虐的同時,促使全球醫療產業進行變革,加速與科技的連結。創新的醫療服務也如雨後春筍,提升病患的醫療體驗與精準醫療服務能邁向更高的層次,使得各醫療院所的數位轉型刻不容緩。 這其中懂得門道者亦是先驅者,威強電將舉辦線上醫療論壇,藉由三種不同的醫療場域 ...

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Welcome to join IEI x NNZ Machine Vision Solution Webinar

Nov 06, 2020

Nowadays intelligent video analytics has become increasingly used to improve the efficiency of production processes, AOI, monitoring operato ...

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IEI Launch New 4K High Resolution AMD Industrial Mini-ITX Motherboard

Nov 06, 2020

IEI launch the new industrial motherboard – gKino-V1000 and gKino-R1000 which is a mini-ITX SBC, and supports AMD Ryzen Embedded V1000/R1000 ...

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威強電未來將推出全新使用英特爾第11代Core處理器之 AI邊緣運算嵌入式系統

Nov 03, 2020

英特爾日前宣布推出基於Tiger Lake與Elkhart Lake的第11代英特爾 Core處理器、Intel Atom x6000E系列以及Intel Pentium、Celeron N和J系列處理器,並攜手8家國內相關業者共同推出新一代工業物聯網產品。其中,威強電集團內的威 ...

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Bluetooth in Intelligent Transportation Systems

Oct 29, 2020

Traffic congestion, especially in major metropolitan areas, causes thousands of lost productivity hours while people sit in their cars just ...

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Taiwan's No.9 Highway South Link Traffic Control Center

Oct 29, 2020

The quick obsolescence of computer hardware poses some difficulties for the longevity and long-term maintenance of complex computer system ...

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New Selection of Smart NIC with Intel® I350 Chipset

Oct 27, 2020

IEI PulM series, the smarter Network Interface Card (NIC), can resolve networking overhead to make packet processing faster and more efficie ...

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AIoT Edge Insights Solution for Smart Factory

Oct 27, 2020

The Advantage of Combining IEI AI Embedded System with Intel® EIS 2.0 - Speed: EIS is a software stack providing a secure environment for d ...

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第三屆亞洲盃台大腦腫瘤分割挑戰賽 於9月26日圓滿落幕!

Oct 21, 2020

台大醫神-精準醫療人工智慧輔助決策系統計畫當初創辦這個比賽的理念在於導入AI訓練模組以識別腦腫瘤位置並協助圈選其輪廓,用以協助縮短電腦刀於微小腫瘤切除手術時所需花費的時間之餘,同時還能保持其精準度。因此於2018年首次舉辦台大腦腫瘤分割挑戰賽,期間分批提供經病理切片診斷的腦瘤影像 ...

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Ambulance Panel PC

Oct 21, 2020

Providing maximum value in transportation applications requires integrating the latest driving assistance technologies, powered primarily b ...

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