

IEI Welcomes You to Visit CES 2022 in LAS VEGAS

Dec 24, 2021

IEI Integration Corp. sincerely invites you to visit the booth (No. 51652) with QNAP System Inc. at CES 2022 at NV & DIGITAL in LAS VEGAS, U ...

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疫情加速迎向數位醫療新常態 威強電積極布局數位醫療解決方案

Dec 22, 2021

疫情如何改變醫療照護模式?根據統計,美國遠距看診比例從4%上升到85%,中國平安好醫生App線上看診記錄使用累積1.1億次,更不用說醫療數據追蹤工具,例如穿戴裝置的使用量成長54%。威強電工業電腦副理洪敏峰指出,在疫情時代之下,數位醫療正在創造精簡醫療工作流程、改善醫療結果、降低 ...

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IEI Panel PC Powers Pharma Production Line

Dec 15, 2021

Adding automation control to a pharmaceutical production line with the IEI UPC-F12C, a rugged industrial panel PC.

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IEI Products are Windows 11 Ready to Help You Move to the Next Evolution of IoT

Dec 08, 2021

Microsoft announced the release of the new operating system, Windows 11, in October. IEI has tested Windows 11 on our products over the past ...

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The New Normal of Digital Healthcare

Nov 24, 2021

The world has been changed due to COVID-19, and people are seeking a new way to get used to the change in their daily life. IEI believes the ...

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IEI Release the New AI Box PC: HTB-210-Q470

Nov 24, 2021

The HTB-210-Q470 has a professional heat dissipation system designed for the internal GPU card, enabling high-performance AI computing in a ...

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IEI Launched the Latest 24” Medical Panel PC — POCi-W24C-ULT5

Nov 23, 2021

The POCi series is a medical panel PC featuring AI, edge computing with rich expansion functions. It is ideal to work in many kinds of medic ...

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威強電誠摯邀請您參觀台灣醫療科技展(Taiwan Healthcare+ Expo)

Nov 22, 2021

威強電將在12月2日至5日展覽期間,將展出三大主題:「醫療照護」、「檢驗治療」及「監控管理」的數位醫療新常態解決方案。 疫情波及下的醫療產業,與日常生活正在面臨改變,而這波改變讓整個產業加速數位化。為了避免在數位浪潮中載浮載沉,威強電本次展出的三大主題,除了強化過去大家熟悉 ...

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Welcome to Join IEI Medical Webinar 2021

Nov 22, 2021

Now, you can join the IEI Medical Webinar by clicking the Join Now button below. You can register, and login to access it 24/7, no matter wh ...

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威強電「醫療影像資訊管理系統」榮獲 2022台灣精品獎

Nov 10, 2021

威強電工業電腦股份有限公司「醫療影像資訊管理系統——POCi-W22C-ULT5」 榮獲2022台灣精品獎殊榮。1993年設立的台灣精品獎(Taiwan Excellence Award),每年經嚴格選拔機制,依據「研發」、「設計」、「品質」、「行銷」4大專業項目,同時考量「臺灣 ...

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